Friday, January 15, 2010

Into the Wild - Begining the Journey of Attachment Parenting

M is 18 months now and the tantrum level is steadily increasing. She is a very independent and strong willed toddler and has the attitude of "I do what I want, and I do it my way." I was having a conversation with my mother about it one day, and her suggestion was to put her in time out. My mouth practically hit the floor. How could I possibly explain to M why and what I was doing? She can barely understand simple commands, and certainly doesn't understand why I tell her no, just that I am not letting her do what she wants to do. It's hard to find the right way to handle the tantrums. I get frustrated after telling her not to climb on chairs 10 times and lose my cool. She, in turn, starts screaming and cursing at me in baby talk because I am limiting her need to explore and climb. So I am trying something different called Attachment Parenting, and will try to document our experiences.

Attachment Parenting is a parenting philosophy based on eight principles that will create a strong and stable bond between parent/s and child. The eight principles are:

- preparing for pregnancy and birth
- feed with love and respect
- respong with sensitivity
- use nurturing touch
- ensure safe sleep, physically and emotionally
- provide consistent and loving care
- practice positive discipline
- strive for balance in personal and family life

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