Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Craft-a-holic - Felted Book and Butterfly Wreath Tutorials

So I am a craft-a-holic. I adore crafty things. I spend my wonderful husband's hard earned money on Crafty Crack, and he lets me! I search the interweb looking for amazing tutorials to feed my need to make crafty things!!! I even (try to) earn my keep by selling my hand crafted wares.

I have a serious problem. I know this. But now, my friends, you too will become a craft-a-holic. Enjoy tonight's goodies!

Felted Egg Book -

This has to be THE ABSOLUTE COOLEST thing I have ever seen. EVER. Oh my lord, I can not wait until M is old enough to enjoy this. I have added it to the top of our crafty projects that we will do together. I'm not sure if I am patient enough to wait another 2-3 years. I may just have to make one for myself.

Lovely Upcycled Butterfly Wreath -

I absolutely adore butterflies. I have felt a spiritual connection to them and the symbolism in their transformation all my life. So naturally, I get all squishy when I see butterfly stuff, especially something this beautiful. I am gonna rifle through my old books tomorrow and get started on my own wreath!


So goodnight, all my fellow craft junkies and enjoy! Until the next fix!

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